Our company may collect personal information from our valued customers in various ways in the course of our regular business operations. We also require our employees to submit necessary documents. All photos, texts, name lists, etc. contained therein are recognized as personal information, and we will establish a personal information protection policy as follows. All employees and partner companies involved in our business will understand our company's personal information protection policy, comply with laws related to personal information, and make efforts to protect it.
- Purpose of Use of Personal Information
- The personal information you provide when contacting us on our website will only be used for contacting you and providing information from our company. Any personal information obtained through business activities such as system development will not be used for purposes other than those for which it was provided. We will promptly return and delete the information once the intended use is completed.
- Personal information security measures
- Under the Chief Privacy Officer (CPO), we will strive to consider restrictions on technical and physical access and ensure appropriate management.
- Recommissioning of personal information
- We may entrust all or part of the handling of personal information to a commissioned company, and establish a contract and rules between the commissioned company and us regarding the confidentiality and the provision, storage, return, disposal, etc. of personal information, and strictly manage it within the scope necessary to achieve the purpose of use.
- Continuous improvement
- We will make changes, modifications, or additions to our personal information protection policy as necessary and strive to continuously improve it.
- Disclosure request procedure
We will appropriately manage the personal information entrusted to us by customers and will not disclose personal information to third parties unless it falls under any of the following:
- There is a risk of harming the life, body, property, or other rights and interests of the individual or a third party.
- There is a risk of significantly impeding the proper implementation of our business operations.
- It would result in a violation of laws and regulations.
- Inquiry regarding the handling of personal information
- Please contact us through the inquiry page on our website.