

Closed Loop Recycling

Why not create original products using recycled plastic materials?

Why is it good to commercialize using recycled materials?


  • Contributes to the effective utilization of recycled resources
  • Can communicate through products that they are engaged in sustainable activities

Recycling is broadly divided into three types.

Closed cycle scheme

It's okay even for your first attempt! Takaroku Shoji can flexibly respond to each project.

What can Takaroku Trading do?

service 01
Construction of material recycling system
service 02
Coloring and physical property improvement of recycled materials
service 03
Selection of a molding company

Collection, recycling, production, and delivery—establishing a closed-loop recycling scheme to create a virtuous cycle for plastics,
returning maximum benefits to both the client and the environment.

Incorporating recycled materials, sustainable product creation.

Our company is an advanced company that not only consistently recycles on its own but also upcycles products to contribute to a resource-circulating society.

Past initiatives

I want to raise awareness among many individuals and companies about the closed-loop recycling scheme and work persistently for the benefit of society.

  • 三色の定規と手鏡


    From toothbrushes to rulers and hand mirrors

    Lion, the top manufacturer of toothbrushes, has collaborated with local governments not only to simply collect and recycle, but also to upcycle items like rulers and hand mirrors, contributing to a resource-circulating society.

  • 青い歯ブラシケース

    Toyoko Inn

    From toothbrush to toothbrush case

    Hubrashi uses different resins for the handle and brush, making it difficult to sort them into a single resin. Among them, only PP resin was sorted and reborn into a toothbrush case.

  • カプセルとカッターのパッケージ


    From used coffee maker capsules to resin pallets

    We have recycled used capsules from capsule coffee makers into resin pallets. We also provide recycled plastic materials for use in dedicated recycling cutters.

What is the sustainability that Takaroku Trading is working on?

In addition to plastic recycling, we are also working on sustainability activities from various aspects such as utilizing renewable energy and employment initiatives.